Sussex Studio
The Practice
Adam Richards Architects is an award-winning architectural practice founded in 2000. Based in West Sussex, ARA has developed a reputation for a wide range of arts, cultural, heritage, education and residential projects.
From its inception, ARA’s approach has been to remodel the deeper cultural themes within its projects into highly original critical, spatial, social and structural propositions. Ditchling Museum of Art + Craft, which reopened in 2013 to widespread acclaim and was chosen by The Sunday Times as the architectural highlight of the year illustrates the transformational impact of our work. As with Ditchling often our clients have unique objects and unusual sites. We work collaboratively with them to find inspiring, inventive and affordable ways of making their environment better. Many of our projects are in historic settings, and we have a talent for understanding what makes such places special – and complementing and enhancing them through the projects we design.
Adam Richards Architects is committed to pursuing sustainable design solutions: we start each project with an audit of the sustainable options, and we design projects which demand less energy in their construction and use, deploying materials which required less energy to make.
We believe that architecture is an art and a craft, and that buildings should be of their time, but rooted in their place. We design buildings for the long term, with an emphasis on quality. Our projects often have a strong narrative basis: we tell stories in our projects by drawing on a knowledge of social and cultural history, myth and geographic and symbolic understanding. Our buildings are meaningful, and this is understood at an emotional level by the people that experience them.
The buildings we craft are buildings that people feel at home and happy in. Our clients tell us that we have added more value than they could have imagined at the start of the commission.
"Throughout the process we felt that ARA understood us not only as an institution, but also took considerable time in understanding the Collection, the Museum’s site as well as the sensitive village setting. Adam has a level of cultural understanding that enables him to propose a creative response to a Collection that makes it newly relevant to audiences, in inspiring spaces that simply ‘feel right’. We greatly enjoyed the briefing and attention to detail in the design process, and were so pleased with the architectural design that we asked ARA to work with us on the design of the flexible exhibition space too.” Hilary Williams, Director of Ditchling Museum during capital project
ARA has won many awards, including international recognition for adaptive re-use and residential design. We have twice won RIBA South East Building of the Year, and twice been nominated for the European Union Mies van der Rohe architecture prize.
Adam Richards
Adam Richards BA(Hons) BSc(Hons) DipArch(Cantab) RIBA is a British architect whose work has encompassed architecture, interior design, furniture and landscape design.
Adam studied architecture at Cambridge University under Peter Carl and Dalibor Vesely, after a degree in international relations and politics. He worked in Dublin and London for Niall McLaughlin, MacCormac Jamieson Prichard and O’Donnell & Tuomey on projects ranging from national museums to private houses, before establishing Adam Richards Architects in 2000.
Adam has taught architecture at Cambridge University and Kingston University, and has been a guest critic at a range of architecture schools. Adam has been a judge for a number of architectural awards and chaired the jury for the RIBA South East Awards 2022. He is a member of the South Downs National Park Design Review Panel.
The Georgian Group’s Architectural Awards, Giles Worsley Award for New Work in the Spirit of the Georgian Era — Winner
Nithurst Farm
EU Mies Award 2022 — Nominee
The Georgian Group’s Architectural Awards, Giles Worsley Award for New Work in the Spirit of the Georgian Era — Winner
The Cheesebarge
Walmer Castle
Royal Institute of British Architects South East Regional Award
Royal Institute of British Architects National Award
RIBA Stephen Lawrence Prize 2021 — Shortlisted
Nithurst Farm
Wallpaper* Magazine Worldwide Best New House 2020 — Winner
Walmer Castle
Civic Trust Award — Regional finalist
Nithurst Farm
Phantastische Villa: Adam Richards Nithurst Farm by Lena Stiller — Detail, February 2021
On Adam's House in the Hills - by Nicola Braghieri, Casabella , May 2021
Nithurst Farm- by Fabienne Dupuis, Architectures CREE, January 2021
Floating Restaurant
The Cheese Barge — Architecture Today, August 2021
Walmer Castle
Adam Richards designs a new education facility for a 16th century castle by the sea by Harriet Thorpe - Wallpaper, 8th April 2020
New words speak of old themes at Walmer Castle development by Charles Holland - RIBA J, 1st April 2020
Garden Gate – Architecture Today, March 2020
After Fort by Ellie Duffy - AJ Heritage Issue, 27th April 2020
Ett nytt Kapitel - RUM, 1st July 2020
Adam Richards Architects uses brick and black zinc for Walmer Castle learning centre- Dezeen, 15th May 2020
Nithurst Farm
Una Casa de Campo que juega al despiste-Elle Décor Spain, 27th November 2020
Come Un Film -Living: Corriere della sera, 1st November 2020
Samsung Meets The Architect Who Has Turned WFH Into An Artform - Mr Porter, 25th September 2020
Collage dans le Sussex - An Architecure of Bits -L'Architecture d'Aujourd'hui, 1st September 2020
‘A Roman ruin wrapped around a modern concrete house’ – step inside Adam Richards' Nithurst Farm by Charlie Monaghan - Modern House, 7th August 2020
Stairway to heaven by Jeremy Musson - Country Life, 5th August 2020
'Like the sudden revelation of something ancient' Timothy Brittain-Catlin on contemporary follies, by Timothy Brittain-Catlin - Apollo Magasine, 1st May 2020
Architecture for art’s sake: houses designed to show off artwork, by Edwin Heathcote - Financial Times, 12th May 2020
Tarkowskis Traum, by Florian Siebeck - AD Germany, 1st April 2020
Off the menu by Emma Love - Elle Decoration UK, 1st April 2020
Inside Nithurst Farm - a Talented Architect's Dream Home, Architectural Digest USA, 10th March 2020
Jeu de briques - Milk Decoration, 1st March 2020
Adam Richards' Nithurst wins Wallpaper Design Award for Best New Private House - Wallpaper, 1st February 2020
A House of Desires and Dreams by Edwin Heathcote - Financial Times, 25th January 2020
Nithurst Farm: Adam Richards Distills a Trove of Architectural Inspirations into his Family Home - Yatzer, 13th January 2020
Joe Chilvers, Tasnim Eshraqi, Nat Shields, Kate Johnstone, Alex Watt, Rebecca Iuliano, Farlie Reynolds, Joe Mackey, Irem Dockmeci, Giles Hampton, Michael Vale, Lucinda Eccles, Mike McCarthy, David Rozwadowski, Johnny Marion, Anna Pemberton, Jonathan Taylor, Sam Dawkins, Lauren Scully, Caoilinn McConville, Matthew Hill, Suzanne May, Tom Westwood, Geraldine Dening, Agnieszka Glowacka